Monday, January 3, 2011

ICS - Mini Update January 3, 2011

First off all, thank you to those who sent well wishes in regards to my father. I'm pleased to say he is doing well.

I hope that everyone had a great Christmas, and best wishes for a Happy New Year.

A couple of points I'd like to go over with everyone-

First off, dues are due. People can pay their dues thru Paypal, but make it personal or Paypal takes $1.50 as a fee.  It is $20 per person or $40 for a couple.

We will be having elections in January. Anybody wishing to run for the Board should let a Board member know so we can put you on the ballot. We can always use new blood- some of our members have been on since inception, and a changing of the guard every now and then to bring in new ideas never hurts! Well, I don't think it hurts.

In January, we will be trying out our idea of members bringing in movies, and selecting 3. Those 3 will be voted on to see what we watch that evening. So be sure to bring in one, tops two, movies for consideration.

More later!


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