Thursday, January 6, 2011

ICS - Mini Update II, UPDATE January 6, 2011

Greetings ICSers! Well, just wanted to touch base on an issue or two-

First, I'd like to see if there is anyone else interested in running for office? I will shortly be putting together a ballot to bring in January, so I need to know who will be running.

Second, we will need 2 election tellers at the meeting. Regina V has agreed to be one, so we will ask for a second volunteer. If you won't be at the meeting and would like to cast an absentee ballot, please email your vote to Regina. She is one of the most decent and honorable persons I know, and she will cast your vote as you instructed. Remember, we have 5 positions open. Anyone who marks down more than 5 will not be counted (yes, I know it's not an easy choice). However, if you think say everyone on the ballot stinks but one, you can just vote for that one. Just no more than 5.

Dues are due- $25 a person, $40 for a couple. Nina won't be at the next meeting, but John Ward has agreed to collect dues from anyone wanting to pay in January. Please, if you can, make it exact change or check.

Sorry I wasn't able to attend the last meeting, but I should be at the next one, and yes I will get there by 2 and throw some coal in the fireplace and crank the heat up so it will be comfy when folks arrive (although Tom and Justin and John and Nina usually get there in time to help set up, too). Remember, this month we are asking folks to bring in a movie (or two, but try to make it no more than 2) and have a vote-off of 3 selected at random. If this works at getting more variety in our diet of movies, we may make it permanent. However, anyone already scheduled to do a presentation (except John Ward and myself, who are giving up our months to try our movie vote-off experiment) will still be on for a presentation. That's all for now! Keep Warm!


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