Wednesday, September 26, 2012

ICS Update - Our Big 1-5-0 Meeting September 26, 2012

Greetings one and all, ladies and gentlemen, and those member running for public office- This Saturday marks our 150th Meeting! And to mark the event, we will be having Jocular John Ward going over the ICS's 150 top movies! And the movie that ranked at #1 will be shown out of doors (weather permitting) on Charlie's big silver screen! It is suitable for youngsters, so we don't have to worry about young kids on the Mini-Golf Course getting an eyeful! I remember as a kid on a way to visit my Aunt in Emmittsburg late one evening we drove past a drive-in theater that was showing an x-rated movie. Drive-ins did that a lot to get folks to come on out. That and quickie horror movies like "Frogs". Anyway, this movie is ok for kiddies. Now what movie is it? What, and ruin John's surprise? You'll have to come out and see for yourself!

Unfortunately, the dam-ned mosquitoes are still out, too. I hate mosquitoes. A scientific survey found that we could eliminate every one and not upset the food chain too badly. So bring either OFF or citronella candles (if you can find them), or else you might get welts! Or until we find out who attracts them the most and tie them to a tree away from others.

Next month is our time to HOWL with writer Greg Mank talking about "Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman"! Remember how Lugosi turned down the original role of the Monster, feeling it was undignified? Well, by the 1940s ol' Bela was willing to do almost anything for a paycheck, including playing the Monster. Luckily he wouldn't sink so long to co-star with a gorilla or something! 

Anyway, Greg will fill us in on the shenanigans behind the making of this Universal Classic. I remember when I later saw the poster, I wished the Monster had at least taken a punch at the Wolfman! More on the Halloween Party later!

So bring your comfy studio chair and your bug spray and come on out this Saturday!


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