Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Halloween - October 27, 2011

Halloween Greetings to Everyone! I hope that everyone is ready to have a fun time at our ANNUAL HALLOWEEN ALL-NIGHTER PAR-TAY! A time to watch some movies, good and bad, have something to eat, and do some socialization, too! Remember, there will be a costume contest, with a $25 Amazon gift certificate going to the winner. Dave Willard will do a presentation on the movie "M", and after seeing that movie, it's on with the all-nighter. If you'd like to bring in a movie for consideration, pls do so!

Well, last weekend the club had a screening of the movie "Earth Vs The Flying Saucers" at the Perry Hall Library. Board members Charlie, Nina, John and myself showed up early to set up, along with help from Courtney, Darryl, Joe and Mike. Other ICS members showed up, too to take part in the event. We even got a write-up in the Sun, even though they listed the wrong library. I understand that we got that blurb thanks to some PR work by Marvelous Mike Schilling. Appreciate the effort, Mike. As far as a possible "recruitment drive", it was some kind of bust. But the ICS members who showed up enjoyed it, as you can see in the photos.

So, let's hope for a non-rainy weekend, and see YOU at the party!


"Hey, look! It's Enrico Pallazzo!".

Friday, October 21, 2011

ICS - Halloween Happenings October 21, 2011

Greetings one and all! Just a reminder that tomorrow is our screening at the Perry Hall Library of Earth v The Flying Saucers, brought to you in living color, on ICS (cue the peacock), at 1 o'clock. That's the good news. The bad news is that we got a free blurb in the Sun and in b the paper, and they listed it as being at the WHITE MARSH LIBRARY, not PERRY HALL.So your friendly neighborhood Hendo drove allll the waaay out to White Marsh (ok, about a 7 minute ride when you catch all the lights green) and informed the info desk of what had happened. They told me that for fifty bucks they'd send people to the right branch. Luckily they take charge cards.

While I was out, I went and picked up some new decorations for our HALLOWEEN PARTY next weekend. The flooding of the hall basement ruined a lot of our old decorations, so I decided to get some new ones. Remember it's a POT LUCK DINNER Night, so please bring something to eat. It will be the first time in many many years that we won't have gregarious GREG MANK giving another one of his excellent presentations, but we will have our own Dave Willard doing the movie "M" with Peter Lorre ("Help me, Rick! Help me!").

That's it for now. Hope to see you tomorrow!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Quickee ICS Update - October 17, 2011

Just a reminder, dear friends, that this weekend we will be sponsoring the ICS screening of EARTH V THE FLYING SAUCERS. It's at the Perry Hall Library on Honeygo Blvd starting at 1. Many of us will be getting there early to set up. We hope to have a nice crowd there-

Our Halloween Meeting will be the week after. Again, we'll be having dusk to dawn movies. Feel free to bring in a movie that night. Dave Willard will be doing the classic thriller M.

As some may know, Baltimore City happens to have a Poe House, which Edgar stayed at for a period in Baltimore (Richmond and New York also have Poe Houses. Perhaps Boston, too). However, due to cuts in funding, the Poe House will be shuttered come January 1. If you've never been there, October is a perfect time. They often have a Poe impersonator there, reading Poe. I won't kid you, it's in a very bad part of town. Everytime I've gone, there's been a police car stationed there. Parking has never been a problem for me, though. They have some interesting Poe artifacts there. If you've never been, and want to, better go soon. BTW, a new movie featuring Poe will be coming out.

Here's the trailer:

 The Raven

Hope to see folks on Saturday!


Friday, October 7, 2011

ICS Update - October 7, 2011 Earth VS. The Flying Saucers

Just a reminder- to mark your calendars for OCTOBER 22 for our movie presentation of EARTH VS THE FLYING SAUCERS at the Perry Hall Library.  It starts at 1:00, but come earlier if you can. Unfortunately, it was not listed in the local newspaper along with PHL's October Events- we'll have to have a board member check up on that.

Speaking of the board- it's still 3 months out, but remember we will be having elections in January. I'm not sure about the other board members yet, but I plan on running for the board Chairman again. If you would like to run, give your name to either Rocking Rick Arnold or Smiling Sam DiBlasi.

Also start looking through your stuff for donations to the Silent Auction that we will be having in December. Also that month is open, presenter wise, so we will be asking folks to bring in a movie, and we'll vote on which one to watch. Sort of a movie Grab Bag Night.

I must stand corrected (actually sit corrected)- I said in the last Update that it was Courtney's first time as a presenter. That was incorrect- Courtney had previously done the fantastic "Legend of Hell House".

That's it for now!
