Sunday, February 19, 2012

ICS Update - February 19, 2012

Greetings one and all! Hope everyone's getting through this unusually mild winter ok! I don't know about you, but I usually count on a snow day or two to catch up on my "to watch" pile of DVDs! Now I did manage to watch Berlin Undead, which was up for a vote last time. I... am glad it wasn't picked. It got a lot of raves online, and it was different in some regards. But breakout stuff like The Walking Dead have nothing to fear from this latest Zombie Entry. I am wondering what Andrew "King Zombie" Kent thinks of it if he's seen it?

Well, next weekend is our meeting, and with luck, the above normal temps will keep us from getting snowed out. Our speaker will be Nina Hawes, on Dracula in the Movies. Tarzan and Sherlock Holmes are the most filmed characters, but I think Drac must be in the Top 10.

Speaking of Top 10, don't forget to email your top 150 (or less) genre movies! Must admit I haven't done it yet but I will!

We'll be starting off our first meeting with the newly elected board. As always, we are ALWAYS open to input! We want to make this club a group effort in its running.

So, keep warm and see you next weekend!


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