Saturday, March 3, 2012

ICS Update - March 3, 2012 Part Two

Greetings one and all! Chairman Hendo here, bringing you early Spring Tydings! For those who are new, I'll let you in on a little past history. One year we actually had both the January and February meetings snowed out. One other meeting we had after a big snow. Unfortunately, the church had not shoveled out the walkway from the lot (which was clear) to the Fellowship Hall (which was not). So, finding a shovel I cleared the pathway. No, I didn't charge the church for my aching back after that!

Just a gentle reminder that dues are dooby dooby due! Anyone having financial difficulties can request a waiver. We are a fun club, and recognize that times are tough for some of us. Just ask any board member for a waiver. But we do have expenses to meet- so if you can pay part or all of your dues, please do so. We will be sending out a list of all who have paid soon. And you can also help the club by going through the club's website ( and clickee on the Amazon button. I recently decided to personalize my new office at work- so I think the take in a month or so should be pretty good, since Amazon did the re-decorating.

ICS Web Page

Check out the website btw. Judy, Charlie and Betsy have done a fantastic job at keeping it fresh and updated. Also we are on facebook. If you are on facebook, don't forget to like us. Then feel free to post.

ICS on Facebook

We had a number of new folks at the last meeting. We hope that you enjoyed yourself and will return. Someone asked me if the meetings were always like this- well, yeah. We are a club that tries to be a social club, with the tying thread being a love (or at least liking) of sci-fi, horror and fantasy genre films. We have what we think will be a good year of events coming up.

However, I have heard from Martin Grams, who was our speaker for April on the Twilight Zone. I said "was", because once again we have had a speaker who "did not put us on their calendar". I also have not heard back from Greg Mank, who up until last year ago was our speaker every Halloween. I'll keep you posted on when (and if) we try to re-schedule Grams.

I have gotten some complaints about junk mail being sent from Dave Willard's email. Apparently his email was hacked. Both Charlie and I have contacted him about doing something about it. Since I got another one from him a day or two ago, I am led to believe he has not done so. I have decided, therefore, with reluctance, to block his addy until he corrects the problem.

On our website John Ward has posted the results of the Oscar Pool. Who won? Well you'll have to take a look....

Til next Tyme!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

ICS Update - March 1, 2012

Well friends, I'm sorry to say that we will NOT be having Martin Grams this April. Despite my having firmed this up with him months ago in several emails, once again a speaker 'forgot to put it on their calendar'. So we will be having a "Boycott MANC" meeting that night instead. Just kidding. But I'll be damned if I'll be lining up any outside speakers for awhile. 3 strikes and I'm done. Well, for now.
What we will be doing in April will be an issue the board will address at the next meeting. In May we will be having Dave Willard doing a presentation on the movie "Bluebird" along with our Annual Memorial Day Cookout.
And in June we'll be having movies under the stars as we have our "Drive-In Night" meeting. Courtney Spies will be having a perfect topic for a drive-in movie- Corman's Poe Films.